
IVS Demo Day

​In the 3 year of IVS Crypto, the web3 version of the launchpad "IVS Crypto THE DEMODAY" is finally being held.

Isn't it time to show the world how serious web3 builders are?

IVS Crypto THE DEMODAY is a demo pitch event for web3 builders. Demonstrate the products you have built so far in front of 15,000 innovators, including global projects, entrepreneurs, investors, managers, and large companies, who gather at IVS/IVS Crypto.

We are looking for builders and products that surpass the original launchpad. Since THE DEMODAY is not a hackathon, you can also submit products that have already been launched. Any builder who wants to demo in the largest hall venue in IVS/IVS Crypto and connect with an audience of 15,000 people can enter.

You will be the one to build the next mainstream.


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Johnson Doe

February 07, 2021 04:42 pm


Oficia dese runt mollit anim id est labo met, conse ctetur adipi smod tempor ui inim veniam, quis nostrud ex when the musics over turn off the light says jim morri son and do nderit in voluptate velit esse cillum

Johnson Doe

February 07, 2021 04:42 pm


Oficia dese runt mollit anim id est labo met, conse ctetur adipi smod tempor ui inim veniam, quis nostrud ex when the musics over turn off the light says jim morri son and do nderit in voluptate velit esse cillum

Johnson Doe

February 07, 2021 04:42 pm


Oficia dese runt mollit anim id est labo met, conse ctetur adipi smod m, quis nostrud ex when the musics over turn off the light says jim morri son and do nderit in voluptate velit esse cillum

Johnson Doe

February 07, 2021 04:42 pm


Oficia dese runt mollit anim id est labo met, conse ctetur adipi smod tempor ui inim veniam, quis nostrud ex when the musics over turn off the light says jim morri son and do nderit in voluptate velit esse cillum

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